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I'm 19 years old and a current Broadcast Journalism Student at the University of South Carolina.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Speculation on The Dark Knight Rises

 Here is a story I wrote for Between the Panels: http://btpcast.com/
Edited by: Will Goodman

On Wednesday, Christopher Nolan announced that on July 20, 2012 The Dark Knight Rises will fly into theaters. If you love the universe that Nolan has created for the Caped Crusader, you’ve probably been wondering which villain will taunt Christian Bale. While we don’t have any specific details, we can speculate on who might appear. Hit the jump for some of my thoughts on what we might see in the third installment of this Batman franchise.

As of late there has been a lot of speculation that the antagonist of the film was to be The Riddler, and even further enigmatic speculation for Joseph Gordon-Levitt to play the green-suited villain.

However, in the same series of questions that came about after the unveiling of the title, Nolan said that The Riddler was not to be Bale’s counterpart, and would go no further with details about a plausible nemesis. This leaves us with a lot of uncertainty, however there can be a few things determined at this point. In previous records Nolan has said he doesn’t plan for there to be a Mr. Freeze or Penguin in his trilogy, nix the idea of The Riddler, Ra’s al Ghul and Scarecrow covered in the first movie [Cillian Murphy already saying he knows not of a comeback] and The Joker and Two-Face in The Dark Knight [don’t see Heath Ledger or Two - Face Rising from the grave anytime soon, (all respects due)], and we’ve narrowed the scope some.

For those of you who know Batman only through the movies (and various television shows) you sure to wonder who else is left. Some random, normal criminal? No. This being the final piece of what Nolan has already called the end to a trilogy, he is sure to leave it with a bang.

For those of you more common with The Dark Knight through the comics and graphic novels then you know there is a plethora of villains Nolan could use, and depending how versed you are among the many different series you may have formulated some opinions on your own.

The Nolan-Bale series has so far had a similar feel to Batman: Year One series by author Frank Miller and artist David Mazzucchelli. Then you may know that author Doug Moench, had a series called Batman: Prey that is set in the same time frame and almost seems to be a continuation of the Year One series. In there Sgt. Max Cort is put in charge of a task force that is charged with hunting down the Bat (sound like something that would happen following the ending to the Dark Knight?), however Cort becomes a tool of the Police Department’s twisted psychiatrist Hugo Strange. Dr. Strange hypnotizes Cort, and the doctor uses Cort in his estranged agenda to capture the Caped Crusader before the authorities do. Also, in this series there is a place for the ever so loved, fancy feline herself… Catwoman.

Now after setting up a little of those by lines, a little speculation of my own. If this is the route that Nolan would take, it fits the parameters Nolan has already set up in the previous two movies, two-villains in each (as listed above: Ra’s al Ghul and Scarecrow covered in the first movie and The Joker and Two-Face in The Dark Knight). We would have Dr. Strange and Max Cort, two foes that fit into the story line already created in the previous two movies.

Tom Hardy (Pictured in Inception)

Back on October 13, 2010 reports came out that Tom Hardy (recently in Inception, co-star with the aforementioned Levitt) was added to the cast, and many believe he would be a good fit into the role of Max Cort, a shoot first – ask questions later kind of officer. Also, there have been stories that Nolan might be auditioning for a female lead somewhere in the age range of 20’s to 30’s (maybe sound like a chance for a Catwoman, I sure think so!). I’m beginning to see a connection to the Prey series. All that’s left is for Dr. Strange to fall into our laps, or should I say screens. Maybe Levitt is in the talks and the rumors were just around the wrong character. Then again, to play into all the minds of fans and the want of a high profile star, Johnny Depp. Within the same reports, as those mentioning the possible auditions for a female lead there is conjecture that Nolan would likely name an actress he has worked with before for the role of Catwoman, if there is one (my money goes into the hat that there is). The named surfaced most recently is another star in Inception, Marion Cotillard. Cotillard played Mal, Leonardo DiCaprio’s counterpart, and dead but ever so alive, seductive wife.

Marion Cotillard
So, to shorten a lot of this speculation, I would say that the movies follow a story line similar to that of the Prey series, Hardy plays Cort, I see Dr. Strange going one of two ways Levitt who is experienced with Nolan, or someone else, say maybe Mister Depp, (though as far as I have seen has no experience with Nolan but we all know his flair for the part with a few loose screws.) My personal preference would be, Johnny, he has the talent for cukoos, and is a little older (though movie-magic can age anyone) which I picture Dr. Strange being a little more aged than Levit. Finally, I see Cotillard playing the sly Catwoman. I maybe off base, and Nolan may have a totally different view but one way or another this movie is going to be big, go out with a bang, and be one of the best movies of 2012 (and maybe in recent memory).

What are your thoughts on our speculation for The Dark Knight Rises? Sound off in our comments below!

Sources: E! Online, Good Reads, Comic Book Movie, Total Film, and Hero Complex